Bert Offrein, Manager Neuromorphic Devices and Systems, IBM Research Zurich @IBMResearch @IBM will deliver a keynote presentation on neuromorphic technology.
Pim Kat, CTO at Technobis Group #technobis @tftfos will share his experience in growing up from start-up mode to a larger very succesful organization.
José Pozo, Director of Technology and Innovation @epicassoc the European Photonics Industry Consortium, will share updates on company trades in the photonics industry.
Paolo Conci, Entrepreneur presso MicroFabSolutions will prsent software solutions for micro-fabfication process design and simulation.
Josep M. Fàbrega, Senior Researcher at CTTC @cttctech will be presenting developments towards scalable high capacity metro networks.
Prof. José Capmany, Universitat Politècnica de València @PRL_UPV @UPV will give a keynote presentation on the topic of programmable photonics technology. @josecapmany
Eduardo Margallo, Entrepreneur at Mouro Labs will share his experience as serial entrepreneur.
Asier Villafranca, CEO at Aragon Photonics will present new equipment for civil engineering monitoring applications.
Pim Kat, president at Technobis @tftfos will present their photonic integration technologies for sensing applications.
Dr. P. Goetz, Government Chief Scientist and Deputy Program Manager @AIMPhotonics will present photonic integration technologies portfolio, and their particular application for bio and chemical sensing.